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inspxtr that looks so yummy! what is that white swirly croissant-looking thing in the middle?
3 0 ReplyPolydextrous Looks like mashed potatoes to me
7 0 Replyzainitopia OP indeed, it's mash 👍
2 0 ReplyKftrendy
… I thought it was a sliced hard-boiled egg
3 0 Replyinspxtr looks beautiful!
2 0 Reply
Mr_Blott The word you're looking for is burnt
1 10 Replyredditcunts Quite, you uncultured troglodyte.
2 2 ReplyMr_Blott Ha ha I saw you getting banned from a couple of communities. Mostly because you can neither spell nor be at least mildly funny in your trolling.
Away and pull your foreskin over your head mate
1 0 Reply
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