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What are some double standards in society for men ?

For example workplace harrasment by women towards males like touching or groping being ignored because the victim is male but if it where to happen to a woman by a male the male would be fired


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  • Holy shit, it's almost like men and women sometimes have different motivations! Maybe the problem isn't the event, but how she feels about it. And maybe the solution is to let her get it off her chest instead of suppressing it. I know, us guys generally don't like to deal with our feelings, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, or that it wouldn't be healthier if we did.

    • Feelings are shit. And no, I'm not being dismissive, I'm being metaphorical.

      When you eat, you mash up the food with your mouth and saliva is added and then it gets pushed into your stomach with various glandular juices and it gets squished around into a paste and then pushed through your intestines where it is attacked by yet more enzymes and bacteria, nutrients and fluids are extracted and the unusable brown sludge that gets pushed out as a waste product is what we call "shit." Who's hungry?

      When you perceive stimuli, electromagnetic, mechanical or chemical signals enter your senses, are transduced into action potentials which fire across synapses, signals travel along nerve cells to your brain where the processes of filtering and attending, perception and decoding happens, in a process I don't think we fully understand yet, these perceptions are compared to memories, recognition, learning or insight occurs and the energy left over from this experience gets pushed out as a waste product that we call "feelings."

      If you take a bad shit, if it hurts, if it's difficult, if it's messy, it can be an indication that your body or your diet are unhealthy. If it's too much of a problem for too long it's time to talk to a healthcare professional because maybe you've got a condition. But if everything was fine and then you ate that suspiciously room temperature shrimp cocktail at that non-chain steakhouse 150 miles inland that hasn't changed its decor since the 1980s, probably that's the problem.

      Deal with your bad feelings the same way you deal with a bad shit: troubleshoot, diagnose, take corrective action, return to service, monitor for further issues. Or do what women do and use your acquaintances and/or your Tiktok audience as feelings toilets, I guess. Just dump your shit onto other people to deal with.

      The overall topic here is gender double standards, right? Well, I don't get to use people as feelings toilets. So people don't get to use me as a feelings toilet.