Yeah if the settings panel had feature parity with control panel but with a better user experience nobody would mind but it's less features AND a worse experience.
I remember trying to change some mouse settings on windows 10 but they removed the ability to get to the old mouse options from the desktop. I drilled down through the settings app and eventually buried deep I found where it would let me open up that same old mouse settings modal to get to what I wanted to change. More clicks, more searching, and less features = poor user experience
I really love how many of the buttons in settings either open an edge web page where Microsoft shrugs at you or just opens the control panel for you to actually get something done...
But hey when I need to turn off transparency effects cause it's making all my taskbar icons disappear every time I swap desktops the new settings page works great. Sometimes.
I mean I use windows and Linux for home and work. I'm happy with a changing ecosystem. The control panel is, often, the best tool to get shit done on windows.