THC brain aging reversal: New study reveals how low-dose THC can enhance cognitive function and reverse aging in the elderly. Read now!
Initially, THC boosted brain metabolism and synaptic protein levels, indicative of heightened cognitive processes. Subsequently, it shifted towards reducing metabolic activities in the body akin to the effects seen with caloric restriction or intensive exercise, known for their anti-aging benefits.
I think I'd rather trust the opinion of my degreed therapist than some rando on the internet, and even with my neurodivergences, she considers me to be a mentally fit and motivated individual.
There really should be a consequence for amateur psychology copypastas.
Mental health is not a binary state, you can have bad periods in an otherwise stable life. You've made a thousand posts in a month. I'm being completely genuine, I think you need to evaluate whether this is healthy for you.
Again, she's got a degree, you likely don't. I trust her judgment and it hasn't been wrong in years. Please go bother someone else before I excise you from my internet experience forever.
You’ve made a thousand posts in a month. I
removed I have been posting on the internet since before it had pictures, and if you think a thousand posts in a month is significant, then you don't want to hear about when I still had a reddit account.
Yes she knows, no she is not concerned and even considers it good therapy for me to practice handling my EDS, which I have to say has been a significant improvement in my quality of life. I mean just look at this post, I BARELY insulted you! 5 years ago that wouldn't be the case and confronted with your rancid presence I would likely already be banned.
You are concern trolling and on any rational media platform that should be an instaban.