starting on 2 books this week (The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability and Red Vienna: Experiment in Working-Class Culture, 1919-1934); optimistically i'll get both of these done in the next day or two
Horrible. Had some slight elbow pain at the gym. Went to the doctor. Told to keep it in a brace and not bend it. I swear the compression and the stiffness are making it worse, it's gone from a little bit of pain beside my elbow to moderate pain all down my arm.
People keep insisting it feels worse than it is and acting like I'm being stubborn when I say it wasn't that bad at first. Everyone's saying shit unprompted like "tennis elbow never gets better" or "we're not 'treating you like' you're disabled, chronic pain is a real disability!"
My doctor told me that if, in the future, I do any kind of movement and it hurts my arm, I need to remember to "not do that movement again" because it'll cause re-injury. So I guess I'm not supposed to lift weights for the rest of my life?
It's really getting to my head. It just felt like a little bruise beside my elbow. It's not like they did any imaging and found something horrible, why is everyone acting like it's over?
I never even got to be buff... I was so malnourished it took me years to get visible muscles, and they were never impressive 😮💨 I had a stupid daydream of being an attractive butch
are you able to see a physical therapist or get a referral to one? they have helped me eliminate pain that my doc only ever gave me muscle relaxers for.