Lmao the Democratic and Republican party are both bought and paid for by corporate money. I wholeheartedly and unabashedly support Harris/Walz but you can fuck right off with this stupid shit that Harris somehow is immune to the reality of our political financing structure (namely, megadonors, corporates, and PACs)
I'm holding a hope that Walz hasn't succumbed to the greed yet. Though I expect Harris has to some degree. Like it or not, there is enough money in politics that most of us could probably be bought eventually, to lesser and greater extents.
Duplicating my comment in one TG chat (and roughly translating it to English):
this is like saying that "some girls are beautiful, and some are nice", or saying to someone "your family is good" ;
what the promises of regulating prices and such really tell is that there's no mention of actually splitting and killing those corporations and reducing their power.
In other words, oligopoly is nice, and power from centralization is nice (of course it is, since what a big corp can do, government can use), it's just prices that we want to fix.
State capitalism with a human face is what she's promising here.