Top general says Ukrainian forces have captured almost as much Russian territory in the last week as Russia has land in Ukraine this year
Top general says Ukrainian forces have captured almost as much Russian territory in the last week as Russia has land in Ukraine this year
- Ukrainian forces launched a surprise offensive into Russia's Kursk region last Tuesday.
- They have captured around 1,000 square kilometers of Russian land so far, Kyiv's top general said.
- That figure is almost as much territory as Russia has seized in Ukraine this year.
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mox This bit seems relevant, given that Ukraine's stated intention has always been reclaiming their own land:
The overall goal of the incursion is not immediately clear. Conflict analysts have suggested that Ukraine may be trying to alleviate some pressure on its forces elsewhere along the sprawling front line, gain leverage for potential territorial negotiations with Russia, or even just humiliate Moscow and boost morale in Kyiv.
117 0 Replyworldwidewave That, or “reclaiming their own land” was a bit more expansive than we all realized /s
41 0 ReplyDeceptichum
Technically Earth is the native land of all Ukrainians.
26 1 ReplyHappycamperNZ Can you imagine how dumb we would all feel if Russia was right? (/s)
5 4 Reply
fuckingkangaroos They're doing all three of those, and also may be effectively flanking the Kremlin's defense along that part of the front.
10 0 ReplySerinus I've heard Kursk has the gas pipeline to Europe.
8 0 ReplyTransplantedSconie
The Ukrainians overran it and disabled it. It won't be working for a very long time.
22 1 Replywhere_am_i Good. Fuck Hungary, and one up for the climate change.
Ukraine doing more for the EU than the entire EU parliament.
13 0 ReplyAmanda
Does this mean Germany is going to have a bad time and fuck up the power grid for all of Europe this winter again?
1 0 Replywhere_am_i Germany has 90%+ of its gas supply through the lmg now
1 0 Reply
jas0n Always best to keep them guessing. Strategically, it's gold.
5 0 Reply