"Signal is being blocked in Venezuela and Russia. The app is a popular choice for encrypted messaging and people trying to avoid government censorship, and the blocks appear to be part of a crackdown on internal dissent in both countries..."
blocks appear to be part of a crackdown on internal dissent in both countries.
Or... you know... at least for Venezuela, the USA constantly fucking around with their elections and politics and local assets using Signal or something. Maybe, I dunno?
Yeah. Telegram, should be next, there's a huge risk with it too. And email! Social networks too, just in case. And postal mail, we can't forget that. We should crack down any form of uncensored communication.
Unrelated to what the previous person is saying (banned because it was used by dissidents), but still, we have the source code. If you're arguing they are somehow accessing the data, what's encrypted and what isn't is known.
Signal knows who you are taking to. You can build a network of contacts based on that information. When you send messages your phone number is protected but your ip address is not, and the receivers phone number is not protected. So you can find two people chatting based on that information. The app automatically sends a delivery receipt when a message is received to the other user, exposing the senders phone number and IP address.
However, opposition in the country is backed by western agencies and NGOs, and likely their primary means of communication is signal since it's backed by western intelligence, meaning, western actors believe it to be safe from external interference.
I'm not arguing that the west is reading messages. I'm arguing that they believe it's a safe haven for their agents because they pay money to ensure it's safe for their agents. If it wasn't, they wouldn't use it. Its the same reason why the intelligence community in the west is a large supporter of the tor network. They use it in the field and operate their own exit nodes to protect their operations.
That's what you fail to understand. It's open source, it has been audited. Venezuela and any other country can check and crack the encryption if has holes in it. The long first paragraph is something that's not a secret, but widely known.
You know what's also safe? Encrypted emails. VPNs. Matrix.
If you think this is a movement against foreign agents, you should think it's useless too. For a sufficiently motivated agent, this will be trivial to overcome. For the general population? Not so much.
Unless next all forms of private communication re forbidden, of curse. Surely what people on a privacy community advocate for.
Which ones? Signal? Likely. Secure mail and VPN? For sure. Can "foreign agents" use them? Certainly.
Who will have a hard time to use them? General population. Signal is the privacy communication service with the lowest barrier to entry, in terms of cost and setup complexity. Not a tool for spies, but for average Joe.
What service do you recommend BTW? That ensures government cannot snoop and prevents "foreign agents". It seems that any privacy is a risk, so I'm curious what a privacy minded person thinks should be OK.
Yeah, I don't know. Do you? It's a fair assumption they use email, right? And VPN is standard in most organizations. I never even mentioned the opposition. Dissidents can be non affiliated people, who is discontent with their government or feel oppressed.
Why is it relevant? I thought you were interested about foreign agents? Or is all the opposition foreign agents?
Please tell me, should it be possible to have privacy from the government in Venezuela? If so, how? If you only answer one thing, please do this one.
Lol do you know how to migrate a community off one platform to another? Its about disrupting comms, not stopping them. Regular people will find other ways to communicate, as they always have. They have lots of options, as you've pointed out. I have no failings in understanding here. I told you already, signal is secure. Its security is backed by it's western intelligence financing. It has flaws in leaking meta data, just like matrix, proton mail, and any other means of encrypted communication tools. This move is to disrupt organized communication to make it disorganized.
No one needs to mention foreign agents. If you are able to observe and analyze the greater context for a given action you can arrive at an approximate rationale for the action. The west has a history of attempting to destabilize Venezuela, they back right wing dictators as successors, they regularly fund dissident groups who want nothing more then to violently take power in Venezuela.
Its clear that Venezuela is facing external pressure to dismantle their democracy, and are taking actions to disrupt those efforts.
The server is arguably more important, that is where the data and meta data itself are stored.
Linux has never hid its source code for a year, and matrix can be self hosted.
I mean if you want to trust a honey pot go right ahead
I'm not living in uk, i live in italy. I saw every kind of comment written on italian social networks and i have never seen a conviction. When the police had taken the names of protesters, ( not arrested ) we had a public outcry. We had arrest for direct call for violence, not simply rants. So seeing people jailed for rants on twitter scares me. We have actual fascists and communists, both parties were strong, and we had an actual civil war. We have strong linguistic minorities and regional parties. So a lot of people hating each other. Who decide the right speech in such a situation?
And normaly it is very difficult to be comdemned for a generic rant. It is easier in case of insults or defamtion, but it is mostly an high fee. Jailing a political adversary for a speech ( when we had a lot of political/mafia killing in the past ) is a big no. We had actual people killed for their speech.
Why going so long when we have a near, english-speaking , clean example of a country famous for the free speech. If you have the highest example of human rights why check the rest.
Self defense is self defense, would we expect some different behavior from a country being attacked from outside interests with publicly accessible end to end encryption services?
Publicly accessible: reviewed and audited by hundreds of teams that confirmed there's no backdoor. Venezuelan, Russian and Chinese governments didn't find the holes, even having access to the code. If they did, they would be exploiting it to.... reeducate.
Yeah, I would expect to trust that. Still, you said yourself, the problem is that is used by dissidents. And we can't have that, right?
Open source, except when they do not publish it. Funded incredibly heavily buy the United States Intelegency Agencies. That would be more than enough to raise red flags for any nation that is not on the best terms with the United States.
The server is arguably more important, that is where the data and meta data itself are stored.
Linux has never hid its source code for a year, and matrix can be self hosted.
I mean if you want to trust a honey pot go right ahead
Your claim about it being a honey pot is entirely baseless.
There is a significantly better chance you are working for the US to prevent people from using signal...
Yes because the US does not want you useing a central server in its jurisdiction so it can force the organistation to give out all the meta data while not being alowed to alert anyone. How dare you use something that could give the US so much information in one easy package
You clearly have no clue how the internet or signal works.
There is no information on signal servers that arent already available through the telcos, litterally zero
Did I say the prefrence was to use normal telecomunication providers? or that the internet in general where super secure, no, but Signal is not secure either, and it in all likelyhood a honey pot
I'm pretty sure Venezuela was unstable before the US started getting involved.
Anyway Signal is secure so that shouldn't be the problem. It has more to do with the government working to crush civil liberties and independent thought.
Second, "is secure" is quite a leap, it is funded to a sickening extent by the United States government, has gone about a year before opening up its source code, and is in the US where there is a law that says if the US government says show us everything and keep quiet, they have to do that. There are real concerns
Or you can uncriticaly say "Athoritarian Country" with no defineing term there, or real understanding of Athoritarianism and disreguard all concerns from these countries.