While absence of China in Top 10 may be somehow explained by The Great Firewall, the absence of India, Turkey and Russia is totally implausible. Or they might be scanning only torrents of movies with English audio.
Most Indians don't know about Torrent and Piracy. hell if you tell an Indian they are pirating they would say "what is pirating? we are just downloading movies from Google!"
The Great Firewall can't block torrenting, especially not within the country itself. It's a decentralised protocol though, so trying to block every non-chinese seeder without blocking the wider internet itself would be just a game of whack-a-mole. I also don't think it's as simple as just English audio, but English sites. Russia absolutely has a bunch of super specific .ru sites for torrenting. Generally the best place to find patches for pirated video games. I could imagine it might be similar for the Chinese scene.
As well, even for English audio stuff, I bet they'd get reuploaded with subtitles added a lot to sites in places like Russia.