Yeah... on the one hand, I don’t think we should stigmatize divergency.
But on the other hand, their platform is built on enforcing their idea of normalcy, and it relies on their supporters believing that the party’s idea of normalcy coincides with their own. So pointing out how abnormal it really is isn’t just a cheap shot—it undermines one of their main goals.
The difference is that non-maga people don’t care all that much about conforming, so “werid” = ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, whereas maga people are like “weird” = “DIFFERENT AND CONFUSING THUS SCARY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”
I'm currently engaged in a few YT comment sections and honestly, weird is the word that describes these people best.
I've never seen a group of people who fall in line with a lie so fast, are utterly humour less , and lack the kind of self awareness and self respect I used to think was just natural to people.