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Funny, the more I learn about right wing political strongmen and dictators the even less I like them, in fact, I strongly feel disliking.
They are the ultimate posers, every single one of them. They can't take the slightest appearance of criticism, even if it is coming from an old lady or a child but act #sobrave and #galaxybrain because they think that ignoring rules that make our society function makes them all powerful.
It has much to do with deep rooted family culture and sexism, the man is stronk, the man do stuff, the man pays, the man hits. Other men look at political stronk man and say, There, look, a Stronk man!
Yea, it's Pleasantville all over again. I just thought we were over that, but ultraneoliberals have a way of fucking over people and making them lash out in predictable ways that sometimes they try to harness to impose their agenda. Then we fix it e.g. New Deal, WW2, EU...then we forget why we had those protections...liberalize everything again...and back to strongmen at the gates to save us from ourselves by enslaving us. It's like every hundred years we need a mass human sacrifice to appease the gods of chaos and relearn how to keep societies balanced.
…then we forget why we had those protections…
... because of remembering why we had other protections which were torn down to make these protections ...
That's how this works. You go to God, get hit by lightning a few times, learn not to approach that guy, then by not approaching that guy get kinda close to Satan, get boiled in oil for some time by bald imps, run away, and at some point forget that there's another danger, et cetera ad infinitum.