Same. I'm 35 and I've only been independent for 5 years as well. This is the new norm. Adulting is expensive. 30 isn't old; you're just starting your life.
Damn! Ease off on the aging there, gramps. I'm 50 and I can still touch my toes without groaning! The only "old person noises" I make are exclusively of the "get off my lawn you whippersnapper" type. ;-P
meh i don't have s future worth staying young for. my main goal is to die relatively quickly instead of rotting alive for years like my grandparents did.
my first video game was Freddy's Rescue Roundup on MS-DOS. It was a bit like Lode Runner.
I'll be 37 soon, I was doing well untill my motorcycle accident. Even in full gear a lot of stuff broke that shit aged me fast. That being said my best friend is 22 and I can still beat his ass at most games.
I turned 37 recently, and fortunately both of my motorcycle accidents were relatively minor lowsides at ~20mph so I think most of me is 37 and my right knee is 41 years old.
Some lady on a phone basically ran me off the road and fled the scene. 4 ribs broken, fractured scapula, and a partial lung collapse along with soft tissue damage all on the right side. Oh and my left thumb broke and needed surgery. Kept the helmet though, did it's job admirably.