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jaybone Both Oracle and Postgres have pretty good support for json in SQL.
37 1 Replywhere_am_i and the plane in the picture is perfectly capable of transporting a plane. What's your point?
18 1 Replyxmunk JSON in the DB isn't an antipattern. It is frequently used in absolutely terrible designs but it is not itself a bad thing.
I'm a data architect and I approve this message.
19 0 Replylengau Carrying the body of a smaller plane in a larger plane isn't an antipattern either. Airbus does this between body assembly and attaching the wings.
9 1 Reply✺roguetrick✺ I think plane people call it a fusilage, because they're weird and like French.
6 1 ReplyEnoril
It’s "fuselage".
It’s called like that because of it came from the word "forme fuselé" (Tapered shape) and it’s a french word mainly because we created it in 1908.
You’re welcome :-)
9 0 Reply
meliaesc Why not use nosql if your important data is stored in JSON? You can still do all your fancy little joins and whatnot.
2 3 Replyfrezik Turn it inside out. Why not use a RDBMS with a NoSQL bit added on the side?
4 0 Replyxmunk Specifically so you get mature transactional guarantees, indices and constraints that let app developers trust your db.
3 0 Reply