Okay, now that you've edited your comment to clarify, it makes sense. The term dead seemed quite literal in your previous and original text, but now I can see it is a term for that part of society, when they change their name and leave the ordinary behind., and it is insulting to that person.
Since it wasn't clear at the start, but that's okay. Now it makes sense.
I wouldn't just say conservative women, since this is a really good explanation for anyone. My cousin and partner changed their last name to something altogether different when they got married. For them, it wasn't fair to the one for the other take the first's family name, so they just chose a new one. It was really hard for the rest of the family (there's a history with that family name that caused the hardship in its change, and the name holds a lot of weight to the entire extended family). Do you know what didn't happen, though? Absolutely no one, despite how hard it was for them, called the couple by their former name once they announced the name change. Not even our grandmother, whose family name it was and was carried over from her deceased husband. One of their former friends (not even family), however, refused to accept the name change, and kept calling them by their former name. I would consider that dead naming, too.
Name changes are hard for the people around you. Not always for malicious reasons. For me, for example, when a trans friend changed names, I kept calling them by the name that was ingrained in my head for a decade. I caught myself, and fixed it during the conversations. I apologized the first few times, and was assured that no apologies were needed, since it was clear I was trying. It took a bit, but the new name has now been associated with them, and I no longer stumble. Some people, I've noticed, find it offensive, for some stupid reason, when someone changes their own name, and will absolutely not call them by it. I will never understand that part. It's not your name--i's their name ffs--just flippin call them by their preferred name.
I went off on a tangent, but all this to say that you offered a good, generic, applies-to-all-generations explanation.
Edit: Oh, I did edit it about 30 seconds after posting, to add the first parenthetical. Apologies for outright accusing you of lying. It doesn't display as edited on my instance when done within the first minute. But you replied 5 minutes after my edit, so I think the odds that you loaded the page within 30 seconds of my original reply are too minuscule to be super convincing.
Look, if you did not, then that's fine, but I completely read it differently earlier. To me, it read, as though you said, a dead trans person. That made it so niche that it was bizarre and incomprehensible that anybody would even understand it. But as people have commented below, I now fully understand.
When saying the name of a trans person, it's when you use their previous name from before their transition. E.g. saying Ellen Page instead of Elliot Page.
Presumably it can also mean just calling someone by their previous name that they prefer to leave behind, even if not trans.
I have no idea who Musk's child is and no desire to look it up.
This is Musk’s oldest child, she chose the name Vivian when she came out and despite being genetically related to Musk actually seems like a pretty cool person. She went through some legal procedure to remove herself from his family, and IIRC basically walked away from all of that generational wealth because severing connections with an abusive father was worth more to her.
Different child, I think. Vivian Wilson is Musk's trans child who has disowned him. She's 20 now. I don't know what her birth name was but "X AE A-XII" was the one born in 2020 that was all over the news for having an absolutely insane name.
Though most of the rest of his kids names aren't much better. "Techno Mechanicus Musk" is in that list, as is "Exa Dark Sideræl Musk". He has 11 children and counting, and their names have gotten increasingly more unhinged as time goes on. So for all I know Vivian did have some insane name that she abandoned.
Anyway, she changed her last name and disowned her father when she came out as trans and he responded by posting all over Twitter that she had been, and I quote, "killed by the woke mind virus". As in he literally told the world his child was dead, rather than publicly accept his daughter as the person she is.
Oh god I thought I couldn't despise him more, what are those fucking names... Like he played some 40k and also wants to colonize mars so he made a kid named adeptus mechanicus I guess? What an absolute imbecile
Different kid, actually. IIRC he's got a bunch of IVF kids with different women because apartheid emerald money is sexy or something, but he couldn't be bothered to actually fuck them properly. Also couldn't be bothered to be present in their lives as a dad properly either.
yeah I was thinking, is it the one with a random sequence of letters, digits and maybe even symbols that I vaguely remember existed at one point? But I still do not care.