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PapaStevesy Can she remember what she had for breakfast? If so, she's got my vote.
159 4 ReplyDave
And this is why I'll never be president.
102 0 ReplyLordTrychon Seriously. I NEVER know what she had for breakfast.
46 0 Replykautau is it a binary thing? because there's a very good chance it's not mcdonald's, which can't be said for the other side
5 0 Reply
SatansMaggotyCumFart I’d vote for you if you legalize my medicinal cocaine.
21 2 Replydisguy_ovahea Don’t forget about my emotional support prostitute.
20 0 ReplySatansMaggotyCumFart I like both at the same time so you can try pushing rope into a bored looking lady for three hundred bucks an hour.
8 3 Replydisguy_ovahea Naturally. That’s where I have my best ideas.
6 0 Reply
jaybone Well maybe you could be president if you stopped eating avocado toast and made coffee at home.
12 0 ReplyDave
I almost always make coffee at home since I work from home, and I don't like avocado. So maybe I can be president? Though I'm not sure if there's ever been a US president that doesn't like avocado.
4 0 Reply
PapaStevesy Not in my district
4 0 Reply
She could be a human suit full of spiders and she would have my vote.
48 2 ReplyDreamButt
Three dwarves in a trenchcoat, even
9 0 ReplyHonytawk Now let's not go too far.
2 0 Reply
InternetUser2012 As someone who has literally almost burnt a house down because of a spider, I second this.
8 0 Reply
Mango Bro y u gotta do me like that?
4 0 ReplyTime Yikes.
1 15 ReplyPapaStevesy Before you say Trump can too, hamburgers don't count as breakfast.
4 0 ReplyTime At least he remembered lol
1 8 Reply