If you could design your own body and hit a button and have it immediately implemented, would you keep your natural self or would you make changes?
We'll just all assume that every person who gets this would make themselves early twenties with flawless skin, perfect organs, appendages and functionality, and no excess weight.
My question is, would you change yourself from your genetic baseline, and if so, how?
It's more like biotic reversal so no time travel, just suddenly de-aging until just before biological puberty in a similar fashion as turritopsis dohrnii, the immortal jellyfish. Ideally, memory and personality remain intact. Afterwards, aging begins again normally so it's effective biological immortality.
So my question would be what would you get out of that?
Your current mental state would alienate you from your age identical peers, and you would quickly out yourself as not belonging unless you were in a crash with a full group of similar people who were all simultaneously reverted to whatever age that would be 6 years old / 8 years old, whatever.
It would be an interesting science experiment though to see if a human being who went through a rough transition into adulthood were suddenly reverted to childhood age and placed into a supportive and encouraging environment would the resulting person that they become even though their memories are intact be a better person in some measurable way?
It's just a plausible mechanism for immortality since it exists in nature and it lets you be young again. It would be nice not to have all the random pains and aches that come with age and get a reset on physical youth when needed.