When you use escalatory language you just just make the Nazis justify their actions by the response they receive.
In another tense moment in American history, the Civil rights movement of the 1960s, MLK was successful do to not being militant. Peaceful action and the strong overreaction of those against civil rights elicited sympathy in those not involved.
Martin Luther King was successful in large part because of the acts of people like Malcolm X. Talk softly but point at the person with a big stick
When we are dealing with good faith actors Speak
When we are dealing with violent insurrectionists who have never won a popular vote and are actively talking about how they will remove the ability to ever speak again?
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. While having other successes, he was unable to carry out the Poor People’s Campaign. Was violence successful in removing the voice of Martin Luther King Jr.?
This implies that how we react to this will have any bearing whatsoever on how the right will treat us. It won't. They will be as mean to us as they can physically manage, regardless of how we act, because they hate us.
Yes although I'm more troubled by what we do *to ourselves* when we imply that sometimes political assassination is ok. On the left, integrity matters not because the opponents might one day be swayed by it but because without it we have already become what we fight against.