Unpopular opinion: The really bad ones, not talking about orange juice here, should be treated similarly to energy drinks. Banned for under 16 and taxed high.
I have this argument with my wife a lot. She says that because the OJ is natural sugar it's okay.
But the high-fructose corn syrup used in a cola is also natural sugar in the sense that it was grown on a farm. There even happens to be less of it in your average soda than in juice.
And I'm not really saying that you should drink soda instead of juice because it's healthier, but somehow fruit juice is one of those things people think is good for them.
I'd argue that natural non filtered orange juice is healthier because you drink it with all the fiber from the fruit, making the sugar absorption slower. A non filtered OJ is closer to eating a fruit than those industrial ones that finely filter everything to be just a colored sugary water.
I mean, you just need to make an OJ and drink it and then have an industrial one. The difference, even without the knowledge, is noticeable.
Funny thing is, at least where I live, making an OJ at home is cheaper than buying the industrial one
Something I like in some of Europe is that food just has a rating on it. Not only are they stricter about food pretending to sound healthy it will just straight say this juice is a D.
In the US every company spends millions to make their sugar appear more healthy and it works.
There is something inherently wrong with them. It's liquefied nutrition that's been designed to create an addiction and provide nothing but calories. It's marketed as a companion to meals, or as sports drinks, or as a convenient "pick me up". It's marketed to children, to poor people without alternatives. They are inherently predatory and harmful to your health.
Just ban the sale and don’t enforce it on the black market. That would cover like 90%. It’s not like soda would be banned entirely, so it’s not like any other example. Just drink Coke Zero (or your flavor preference)
It's people like you that we can't have nice things. oh some Germans in Germany has started genociding Jews out of existence, so that must mean that all Germans are evil Nazis. you only consider moderation when their is a obvious utility. like oh you don't need alcohol to survive, but because some people get addicted to alcohol. we must ban alcohol, so no one will get addicted ever again. we seriously need to learn moderation and nuance. we really need to collectively agree that I'm not your mom and neither is the government. Otherwise we will be asking ourselves, what is the point of enjoyment? People who are miserable breath just fine, and if you enjoy something too much you might get addicted.