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n3m37h Not me got a 4tb gen 3 nvne for my main and a 2tb gen4 nvme + 2tb sata ssd.... And a 18tb, 12tb, 4tb, 3tb, 1tb HDD for other things....
8 0 ReplyPlantDadManGuy Good golly gee whiz that's a lotta porn! You saving up for a rainy day or somethin?
8 0 Replyn3m37h Sorry, that first line reminded me of this
The zombie apocalypse, also known as DJT winning the presidency, somehow... Again...
3 0 Reply
areyouevenreal How do you even manage that much storage? Btrfs or snapraid or something?
2 0 Replyn3m37h Windows.....
2 0 ReplyMystikIncarnate I'm so sorry.
8 0 Reply
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