What universally beloved videogame you just can't enjoy?
2 picks for me: Stardew
Valley, most boring shit ever, I don't see the appeal, seriously how the hell did that thing sold 20 million copies?
And Witcher 3, I own that game since 2019 and I regret buying it, funny thing is that I've finished Dragon Age 1 and 2, which are kinda same genre but I actually enjoyed those games. I guess the old BioWare sauce carried those games unlike Witcher where there's nothing to enjoy in its massive pointless world.
Sekiro. Too hard for me, massive skill issue ik. (And I have beaten Elden Ring and shadow of the erdtree so it's not like I dislike all souls-likes... idk)
Anything made by Riot games. They are just worse versions of already existing games.
Destiny 2. I can't play the whole story so I do not care to start it + yk, microtransactions...
Hollow knight. Same deal as sekiro, skill issue on my part.
Factorio solo. Great fun with friends but I just can't get into playing it solo...
My friends have tried to get me into destiny 2, but it's just really expensive and you cannot play the whole story... And it doesn't run on linux so that's also a thing.
I’d question whether hollow knight is really a skill issue on your part.
I’ve done the ‘path of pain’ and I still don’t understand why people love the game so much.
It has solid combat, true, but some of the fundamental game mechanics (like save points and the map system) are designed to pad the game time and frustrate the player. Its poor design and the fact they weren’t called out on it is disappointing.
Making a save point 40 seconds from a difficult boss fight doesn’t make me or any player git gud. It’s needlessly frustrating.
Yeah I like difficult games but Hollow Knight is just boring and wastes a lot of your time, so I never ended up finishing it. It’s a shame because I probably would like it a lot more if it didn’t waste so much of your time
I thought this game blew chunks. I'm an old gamer and it was jist God of War on ps2 on God Mode, but way less fun and cool. Low health + constant parry, but boring story and relentless tedium. If this was any other studio it would have been long forgotten already. I don't think being unwilling to deal with a developers core concept of using frustration as an action gameplay element as "a skill issue". Making the enemies respawn both when you die AND when you reload or save isn't a reflection of fighting skill, it comes down to being unwilling to tolerate irritating, tedious game design.
It very much is a skill issue. Elden Ring pretty much has the same philosophy and it's my favorite game of all time... The difference being that Elden Ring is way easier. My main issue with sekiro is that I can't parry for sh!t in any game, I'm just bad at it. So obviously, a game balanced entirely about parrying is gonna be hard for me. But yk, the lack of interesting weapons, skills and exploration also play a big part in my lack of enjoyment of sekiro in particular.
Yeah Sekiro is one of those games where being in the flow, parrying everything almost without thinking is sooooo satisfying.
The issue is that there really is just one way to play the game, if you don't parry you probably won't go too far, so of the gameplay doesn't click, it's just not a good experience
How exactly is being irritated by enemies constantly respawning a skill issue? Or is the idea I "git" SO "GUD" i literally just never save the game and play in one shot? Cuz I don't even like playing games without saving that don't even have combat at all. I like to save. Punishing people for saving is padding. Full stop. It doesn't matter how "gud" i get at sekiro, I'm not going to suddenly enjoy fighting the same literal exact same enemies that i just defeated over. And over. And over. And over. I strongly disagree and think this is a core issue with their gameplay philosophy as a whole, and can't help but notice hints of Stockholm syndrome at people who defend it.
DaS/ElR give you so many options and so many moving parts that you can make the game a lot easier if you know what you are doing. You gotta find a build and playstyle that work for you. People say there is no easy mode, but there is. It's not easy-easy but it is definitely easi-ER than trying to brute-force it without thought.
I consider the easy mode of DaS to be playing with magic. Your health pool basically doesn't exist and if anything touches you, you just melt. But you also deal a ton of damage, so you just get naked and tumble around pretending you're playing a bullet hell game and you just can't get touched. This is the build that works for me.
With Sekiro, on the other hand, there is a lot less you can mess around with. It's just you, your pattern memorisation, and your reflexes versus the world.