This is really not that hard, its to negotiate peace with the main part being that Ukraine will never join nato. Its almost like we could have totally avoided hundreds of thousands of dead people if our foreign policy didnt suck so bad.
What is NATO doing to interfere with Russia's domestic operations and sovereignty? Ukraine is not Russia, so Russia should have no say in the matter just because they're next to each other.
Same thing would apply if Ukraine were to invade Russia. Ukraine would have no business doing so.
A really big history... Take a peak at what countries are in nato and realize they have a long history of being directly in conflict with Russia/Soviet Union.
Ukraine is not the aggressor, I never said it was. What I will say is that this was was 100% preventable with the promise that Ukraine would not join nato. It was a known red line, and it was crossed. "BUT UKRAINE CAN DO WHAT IT WANTS!!!" Great, and NATO can directly say we dont want a conflict and we dont want Ukraine to be a part because we know it is a line that will likely trigger a war.
Moreover, surrendering whatever Russia sticks a flag in is appeasement nonsense. We've already seen this strategy before WWII: *oh, Germany will be OK if we just cede Czechoslovakia. Oh, Germany won't attack if we cede Alsace-Lorraine...." An aggressive power like Russia, who already tried to annex large portions of another sovereign nation in 2008 (they invaded Georgia and got their shit kicked in because they tried the whole "three day thunder run" strategy), almost certainly will not stop if you just "give them what they want". Eventually, they'll want more, and more, and more, and you wind up surrendering slice after slice after slice of your country.
Except that the cuban missle crises shows the US completely disagrees (unless it is convenient at that moment). Do you not see how this war was 100% avoidable if nato did not cross the directly drawn line?
You are correct that they didnt offer it yet, but it was on the table, and NATO knew that was the reddest of red lines. You also do even know why russia took over Crimea in the first place.
And yes, how america would react is imporant because it shows how we really feel, not just propaganda about how they can do what they please.