What is your preferred way of downloading youtube videos?
I'm looking to download a number of educational youtube videos for future reference. Looking for a reliable way to download videos. OS is Ubuntu. FF extensions and docker containers all good. I don't really want to install an executable on bare metal unless it is a flatpak.
My goal is for the downloaded videos to be accessed locally via jellyfin. Jellyfin is already sorted.
I’ve never used a VPN with it either. But it should work, especially with an exit node in a country where Google has no incentive to/is prohibited from interfering with third party viewers.
but unless i am missing some edge case, there isn't really a reason, downloading video from youtube is perfectly legal, it wouldn't work otherwise after all
I use it all the time without any VPN and haven't had any issues. I watch almost all youtube videos in MPV, which uses yt-dlp to get the video. I download any video I may want to watch again later to my server.
I never used a VPN with it. I've been using it for years. I figured I'm getting it directly for YouTube. Google already knows my IP. I figured they wouldn't care unless I abuse it anyway.