Oh, I wasn't accusing you of lying. I was just saying it's such a strange name for a charge that has a legitimate purpose, but is named in a way that has nothing to do with that purpose.
Kinda like if you took an uber, and they charged you for the "poopy diaper charge". And you say nobody on your trip even wore a diaper. So the driver tells you it's so he can refill his gas in the car.
Victims of every crime that has one.
It's a fund for paying compensation to victims of crime and £154 is just what you have to pay to it if you get jailed for 6 months or below.
So when someone does commit a crime that has a payout to a victim, it doesn't matter if they have money or not as it comes from the fund to the victim first.
Kinda like... If you got hit with an extra vehicle/traffic insurance bill every time you get a speeding ticket or get caught driving drunk, even if you didn't cause an accident.
Oh, ok. Thats a far better description than the other guy said of just "court costs".
I would say that America needs something like that, but, I just can't see the money ACTUALLY going to victims. I see some policeman, or politician, or whomever, pocketing it if they tried that here.
I don't know if this is the same but Sweden have a thing where you pay into a fund that helps victims of crimes. When a criminal gets convicted and has to pay a victim money, the state takes money out of the fund and pay the victim and then the fund tries to get the money from the criminal. This way it doesn't become the victims problem that the criminal can't pay.