[Discussion] Image upload reliability on smaller and larger instances
[Discussion] Image upload reliability on smaller and larger instances

Hi guys out of curiosity how reliable is image uploads on bookwormstory.social? (curious since this instance has a relativly small userbase 100-200).
On lemmy.fmhy.ml (10k users) image uploading is kinda hit/miss with json errors when uploading images (frequently need to fall back on imgur).
Curious if these errors are due to bugs in lemmy or just the massive load in storing/serving images to users.
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Neshura @bookwormstory.social
@ludrol@bookwormstory.social did you experience any of these here?
1 0 Replyludrol @bookwormstory.social
Not in particular. For me all images worked OK excluding custom emojis.
It could ba a rate limit on lemmy.fmhy.ml
2 0 ReplyNeshura @bookwormstory.social
@Deemo@lemmy.fmhy.ml I assume it's a rate limit issue then, if you see it happen here message me and I'll look into it.
1 0 ReplyDeemo @lemmy.fmhy.ml OP
Thanks for info
2 0 Reply