Dem voters have always needed a candidate they like and/or agree with to turnout en mass and get the Dem elected.
It makes zero sense to keep blaming Dem voters for having standards instead of blaming party leaders for continuingly shoving candidates we don't like down our throats.
There is zero reason to keep pushing unpopular candidates.
But because we all held our noses for Biden 4 years ago, he got to nominate DNC leadership and he picked idiots who say Biden is our only shot.
Holding our noses and voting for a candidate whose not for basic parts of the party platform, just moves the party platform and makes it even harder to get votes the next election.
"Party leaders" did not shove Biden down our throats. Unless you're arguing that the party leaders of the dems are all the suburban soccer moms of the countries, and their consistency at voting. Then yes, that's true.
The party literally refused to hold any primary debates, or even primary elections in several states. They gave people no chance to even consider other candates.
And I keep asking the people who say things like this who they canvassed for and they get defensive and don't give me an answer. Much like when I ask the Never-Bidens who I should vote for instead that has a chance of winning.
How can we know there were no strong candidates, when they don't get a real chance to run? They (and to be fair, most) simply assumed the incumbent was the best, because that's the way its been forever.
Polling, usually. Otherwise primary results. Most states did have their primary, btw, only a handful cancelled. Each state has their own way of doing it.
Can you name a candidate that was doing well at any point? Better than low single-digits? Dean was the only one I heard much about.
edit: You do remember the write-in uncommitted thing, right? Those were primaries.
The early primary states were specifically changed to states where Bidens poll numbers were strongest. And yes, the early primary winners carry that momentum into states where they might be less popular. They didn't have to change the primary order, but chose to, to help Biden.
Literally anyone could've been a contender. We don't know who they are, because the party never wanted to seriously entertain anyone other than Biden.
Contrast that with what the Republicans did. They had several debates with anyone who felt like giving it a shot. Trump decided he didn't need participate, and was right. The Democrats could have done similar but refused to.
Biden is too elderly. Trump is too many kinds of wrong. Most people know this. If the Democratic party figures out that Biden is almost the only candates weaker than trump, they'll be able to win.