So I haven't watched after season 2. What did Homelander have to do for conservatives to realize he's not the good guy?
Did he become an environmentalist or something? Because sociopathic narcissism, kidnapping, mass murdering innocents and being an allround asshole didn't do that, not even mentioning his literal nazi girlfriend.
I don't think it's Homelander's actions so much as Kripke saying in interviews that he and the writers are trying to be as obvious as possible that Homelander is the bad guy and based on Trump. And following up by saying if people think Homelander and his followers are role models then those people are not the fans they want.
The fact that he had to spell it out loud because media literacy is dead and most people are incapable of reading nuanced subtext is appalling. Some people actually believed that it was nothing more than a gory satire of Marvel and DC comics.
It's more that this season they have abandoned almost all the nuance and are really rubbing their face in it. There was a whole episode about how Homelander supporters are big into all the conspiracy shit that modern conservatives are
They have a guy hold the place up demanding to know where the kids in the basement are lol They definitely abandoned any subtlety about who they're making fun of.