First they tried to destroy FOSS, then they realized that they can make money and gain control using open source software, so now they pretend to support it. Microsoft is a monopolistic piece of garbage that I'm staying away from at all costs.
I don't think they're pretending. Open source software is a valuable resource for basically all major tech companies, and a lot of it is driven by major tech companies. Some kind of combination of open source and proprietary software will always be a thing for them. This isn't some major contradiction, they use either model based on the specific needs of the project.
This is why some think "Open Source" is too permissive since they see it as free/cheap labor to be exploited by huge corporations.
I'm not sure that I see it that way, but I can see their point.
It's not as if they are holding themselves up as supporting Free Software philosophies (as opposed to Open Source), so where's the pretense?
If somehow it ever makes strategic sense for them to stop making use of the open source model, yeah, they'll stop. That doesn't mean they were pretending.