European commission president says ‘there remains a majority in the centre for a strong Europe’ as far right makes huge gains across continent; Emmanuel Macron makes shock election move
"Emmanuel Macron, the French president, has announced that he is dissolving the national assembly, and calling for legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.
The French president said that he can’t pretend nothing has happened, that the outcome of the EU election is not good for his government and that the rise of nationalists is a danger for France and Europe."
The reason the "far right" is gaining momentum around the world because of immigration issues. It has nothing to do with "racism" and "bigotry", like people on Lemmy and Reddit claim. The Left and Liberals are too concern with helping everyone else, and not their own. Countries are abandoning traditional goals and support for their own citizens, and focusing on helping poor immigrants from all over the place. Sooner or later, your own citizens are going to get fed up.
I agree with you, and yet... It's winning them elections. We can be upset about it all we want, but it's increasingly clear that bigotry and xenophobia are winning arguments in this era. We're fucked if we don't adjust. I'm not proposing we abandon migrants, but the one thing myself and the person you replied to likely agree on is that the left is increasingly losing sight of home and the average citizen, not in terms of rhetoric but in effect. We're about to lose the EU and possibly lose support for Ukraine, see even more immigration restrictions, and see an empowered global far-right. The voters are telling us they have different priorities, which we need to focus on in a more altruistic way than the right. We have to be introspective here if we ever want to accomplish our goals.
Yeah blame the left which is in power in…. Oh right, nowhere. Essentially the voter has tried out all (somewhat) reasonable right politicians and since nothing works they now decided to try the crazy right wingers.
... or don't introspect, blame the voters, and lose forever. It could not matter less what is true, it's only what the populace believes. That's politics. If our ideology can't stand up to this, it must adjust or it deserves to fail.
... or don't introspect, blame the voters, and lose forever.
This is what frustrates me most about a lot of the left-leaning parties and voters I've encountered over the years. They think that "well obviously we should be winning, we're the good guys and they're the bad guys. People who vote against our position are either ignorant or evil. So we shouldn't change anything about it and we should ignore the people arguing against it."
Whether that's true or not isn't the point. The point is that you're not going to gain any more voters with that strategy. A lot of the people voting against the left have very real and tangible concerns, and you're not going to get them to vote for you by either telling them they're wrong to have those concerns or that they aren't even real in the first place. The left needs to provide them with real solutions to those problems.
Completely agreed. It's the difference between your political views being an excuse for you to feel morally validated or being a mechanism to improve lives. If it's the latter, it's time to get to work. We're failing and thus losing our ability to do what we stated. If it's people being idiots, educate them. If it's people being lied to, reach them. Regardless, we live in a democracy and the entire point is that the people get to choose and the people are rejecting us. We cannot fail to heed those cries.
We must create an inspiring vision that resonates with voters and alleviates their concerns. The stats clearly show people are concerned about immigration and the economy. The right has a cruel, but effective approach in just stopping immigration entirely and many, many people think that is a good idea right now. What is our better answer? I'm no expert and I don't know, but that is in and of itself a serious problem. Why do I not have a Meloni I can point to as the beacon of my ideology, that has at least some of the answers?
And xenophobia is apparently a subset of racism, since it's discrimination based on place of origin, and regardless of what the name implies, racism also accounts for place of origin alongside ethnicity so... Yeah, it's racism.
This is just such a false narrative. The issue is not a lack of funds to help our own citizens and refugees. The issue is that those funds are concentrated among very few very wealthy people. Those wealthy people would very much like us to blame the refugees.
I'd say that's close but more like they've concerned themselves with helping the wealthy and need to import more workers due to low fertility and as a way to suppress wages.
So now there isn't enough housing and everyone starts struggling more because social programs have been underfunded for years and strain to the brink due to the greater load.
And what housing there is was bought up by investment firms during 2020/21 when people were losing their jobs, or having hours cut, and now more people than ever are paying well over the odds to rent a home because they can’t get a mortgage that would likely cost 2/3 what they’re paying in rent.
But no right leaning/conservative government is going to do a fucking thing about that because too many of them are either landlords, or have funds in those investment firms. So their tame papers run stories about an immigrant family being given a seven bedroom house in a fancy part of town.
We can talk about immigration drivers, all night long, but the fact is that the host country is always resentful of immigrants. It doesn't matter if that resentment is fair or true or justified, it exists.
Buncha children in here crying, "Racism bad!" Yeah. We know. Some of us grew up on Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers. That doesn't change countries seeing a bunch of poor people flooding in and taking their resources. And whether they're actually sucking resources doesn't fucking matter. It looks like they are.
And for all the whiners, how about you take in a poor immigrant family and take care of them yourself? Put your money where your mouth is?
"Uh no. The government should do that for free, somehow, and I don't want to actually see or deal with it. Or I'll leave a stern downvote!"
(And for the inbound haters, my wife is a brown immigrant, not even a citizen. Trying to get her youngest moved here.)
You completely fell for it. The problem is not being resources sucked away by immigrants, and there not being enough left for the regular folk.
The problem is the rich not having the same burden as the poor due to wealth not being taxed. It's called having a shitty quality of life and high costs of living.
This argument is old and tiresome. It's the same shit they try and say in the US. "hey, who cares about the immigrant problem, let's go after the rich!" This isn't about the rich, this is about who's the problem for the average, middle class citizen NOW. This is about, why are things different NOW, and what can I do to change them? Many countries are bringing in immigrants as a curtisoy, to help those in need...but it's effecting a class of citizens differently, and now those citizens are voicing concern. The rich will always be here, and that issue will always go in circles because the rich are helping many countries sustain an economy (we always want to attack the rich in the US, but in the end, what would happen if the rich stopped paying anything, and just left?). The argument of "it's the rich people's fault!" has been a battling call from the Left for 100's of years...and they will always default to this, even when it's clear that immigration is causing problems..
You are wrong and short-sighted, and I will tell you why:
income disparity between rich and regular folks: if you look at graphs from studies on wealth inequality, it will show you how the rich get richer, while the poor get (especially relative to their cost of living) poorer. And by poor I mean the average folk.
Immigrants have always been there: both the US and Canada have been built on the backs of immigrants, and are also kept afloat by them. Should we slow down a bit? Perhaps. Should we focus more on the regular folks that already live there? Definitely. But immigration and better social services for those already there are not mutually exclusive. Assuming there are funds for it
The rich are lobbying the governments to do their bidding: The few hold all the power again, just like in feudalism. And they don't want to give that up at any cost. This creates a perpetual cycle where they make money to gain power to make more money to gain more power to make... you get the ghist.
The rich has a lower burden in taxes: A regular folk will get taxed on their income and purchases for a cumulative burden of around 45%. However someone rich will live off of their wealth creating more wealth instead, while foregoing income and thus income tax. Additionally when it comes to cost of living, even if a rich person would pay equal percentage in taxes to a regular folk, that 45% in cumulative taxes will leave the regular folk with say $5.5k to budget for everything on a 10k/mo salary, while a rich individual will have $55k to budget on a 100k/mo salary.
Immigrants are not taking anyone's job: In reality new immigrants work all the shitty jobs that no one else wants to or can take anyway. They are either low wage service workers or gig workers, or are actual skilled worker immigrants that are in high demand. Either way they are likely exploited in the low wage position or as the new hire.
Let me know if I should continue. Or maybe someone else will chime in.
So, what do you suggest countries do? Allow anyone and everyone to come in, and government should instead spend all their time and resources going after the wealthy? Are you saying, that if the rich stopped having money, and just..disappeared, everyone would be better off?