I think it’s more absurdist than cynical, but is cynical really a problem here?
We’re running 21st-century technology on a 13th-century economic operating system. It’s bound to produce some outlandishly antisocial results.
As a developer and tech enjoyer, there are some inventions in the past 30 years that I can’t imagine living without.
But there are also some horrific economic systems and social dynamics that have taken hold in large part due to inventions of the past 30 years. Some effects that are so bad I’d gladly hit the snooze button on some of the tech to delay it until we figure out the social/economic side first.
It's really bad out there. Cynicism is at levels I never imagined growing up in more optimistic times. We are surrounded by wonders and have all the opportunities to reshape our world into anything imaginable but we all collectively decided to sit inside, read how other people are miserable, and internalize that misery so we're also miserable, even though all we've done is read about other people's feelings.
Our species's default mode is to be cynical and lazy and I hate it.
Our species's default mode is to be cynical and lazy and I hate it.
Oh, the irony... A less cynical perspective would be that as a whole humans are pretty empathetic, and most people want to live in a world where everyone is happy.
The existence of more optimistic times should be evidence that this cynicism is not the species' default state. We're in a bad spot and we don't even currently have the hope of revolution.