Definitely Illegal hotel chain. It's actually weirdly exciting to me to go to an airbnb not knowing what amenities or rules to expect, compared to the standardized experience of a hotel.
It's like a quest in an adventure game. Follow the map to to get to the inn, follow these clues to find the key, is the inn owned by cool NPC or is it owned by a villain? Boss fight! You've done well adventurer, you only owe $30 in cleaning fees!
It would also make a good experience you could do over a weekend that takes place in an air b and b? Like a table top game or larping. You enter the air b and b and there are instructions on the table. It could be themed too. There could be a board in the kitchen with different quests you could go on in the town.
Got to agree with that. Also, I live close enough to several desirable vacation destinations for it to be worthwhile to go for a long weekend. It's nice to be able to book a house with a yard so my dog can come.
But you could get rooms from other sites before AirBNB. It wasn't really too huge of a change. Probably more for people renting out space. Stuff like VRBO existed before I think.