What is it about the text messages and emails sent by older people that make me feel like I'm having a stroke?
What is it about the text messages and emails sent by older people that make me feel like I'm having a stroke?
Maybe they're used to various shortcuts in their writing that they picked up before autocorrect became common, but these habits are too idiosyncratic for autocorrect to handle properly. However, that doesn't explain the emails I've had to decipher that were typed on desktop keyboards. Has anyone else younger than 45 or so felt similarly frustrated with geriatrics' messages?
Yes! This is what I always associate with older folks texting or emailing. I use ellipses a fair bit for (my attempts at) comedic effect. Some older folks are using them on a whole different level, having this weird habit of ending sentences with them where most people would use a period or exclamation point. It can come off sounding very ominous.
"Bill is coming over."
Okay, cool. Have fun with Bill.
"Bill is coming over ..."
Grandpa, are you in trouble? What's Bill going to do???
I'm old and I use ... to indicate that I'm gonna continue that sentence, but because I'm slow to write, I give you a chance to participate/continue. Especially if the sentence is going to be long.
Well, I'm old-adjacent and I literally don't think either of my grandpas so much as touched a cell phone or computer in their lives, but I get your point.
I saw some video where they explained boomers use the ellipses to indicate missing words? like they're acknowledging that it's a sentence fragment and not a complete sentence.
Hmm, I'd always understood ellipses to mean a thought was trailing off, or as a written indicator of someone thinking as if taking a pause while speaking.
I was never taught that's what it means, just seems that's how most people use it.
Depending on context, ellipsis can indicate an unfinished thought, a leading statement, a slight pause, an echoing voice, or a nervous or awkward silence.
I usually use it as “a slight pause” in my attempts at jokes, or to abbreviate a quote
That's a little different: if you're quoting someone and cut words out of the middle of the quote, you'd use ... to indicate that you've modified the quote. It wouldn't go at the end of a sentence though. It used to be pretty common in newspapers, as I recall.
Indicating trailing off is another way to use it; that's more literary vs the newspaper thing of indicating removed words. I wouldn't expect anyone to use it to indicate removed words at the the of a sentence, because you could just end the sentence instead. But some people are weird.
I am a younger millennial. I use ellipses all the time tbh. But I never use them at the end of a sentence like that. I tend to use them in the middle of a sentence often to break it up if it seems to long and I don't want the formality of a semicolon.
Yeah, for me (an elder millenial), I use them in the middle of a sentence in the form of a dramatic pause, or sometimes at the start of a sentence in specific cases. I'm not saying any of this is necessarily grammatically correct (or that the boomers are wrong for how they use them), but this is just what feels closest to regular speech to me.
I'm old and almost never use ellipsis and I will correct everybody's punctuation and typography as a matter of principle (at least in my own language, not being confident enough with English rules to do it there).
Also ellipsis is a single character: … (it does take 3 keys though)
The thing with ellipses is... they make you sound... like you have lethargy... Either that... or extreme shyness... Whenever I see text with no other punctuation than ellipses...I always imagine... like I'm talking with Eeyore... from Winnie the Pooh...
For me it's an old habit from IRC. Instead of sending 5/6/7 lines of text, I just cut it with .... and continue typing on the same line. I could make complete sentences with capitals and periods but instant messaging is not a medium well suited for full sentences and paragraphs, so you get ...
if you’re sending it in a single message the ellipses don’t make any sense. just use a single period, even of you don’t capitalize the beginning of the sentence. the ellipses thing is a contrivance that’s attempting to address a nonexistent problem in this case, and actually creates problems due to how most people interpret them.
if you’re rapid firing single sentences as individual messages in teams or something, the discrete message bubbles take the place of the ellipses. just don’t use any punctuation at the end of the sentence/message. also you’ll probably have people wanting to beat your face in with their phone that won’t stop vibrating.
“cutting it with ….” takes more keystrokes than a single period on your part, and leads to many people assuming you’re either a chronically stoned sloth or a sarcastic dick. i don’t understand why anyone who uses ellipses isn’t doing everything in their power to break that habit. someone needs to make a no ellipses site in the vein of nohello.net.