Because you asked about "apps", people are replying with mobile apps. I think you wanted to write "programs" considering the community. Maybe you should edit this
Considering the community, that's what should happen. However sometimes people don't realize which community they are in and they just look at the title. If the first person who replied started with mobile apps, others possibly didn't notice because of them and continued adding up.
However sometimes people don't realize which community they are in and they just look at the title.
Guilty as charged. After reading the title it didn't even cross my mind that it could possibly refer to anything other than mobile apps so I saw no reason whatsoever to look at what community it was posted in as the app I came to think of as a good recommendation is cross platform.
Not exactly sure whose fault is this but if OP still wants to use the term "app", they should at least mention it's "desktop apps", or just go with "programs" which is the proper term. Because even with "desktop apps" I still understand it is as web apps more likely.
Distrobox supports waydroid to use android apps on wayland. There are many small purpose built apps for android than can be useful on desktop.
No one seems to be mentioning apps in this specific kind of context, and I don't consider a locked down and stripped orphan kernel to be "Linux" but a lot of this stuff it FOSS and can now run on both.