Because shes a fucking idiot with zero experience in her field and offers nothing to the forward progress of her country. In fact, her behavior is mostly anti-American.
At worst, she’s a traitor to her country- at best…. She’s irrelevant.
Being an idiot and a traitor does not make someone irrelevant. Do you not know what irrelevant means? No one with real power is irrelevant because they can wield that power in a relevant way.
This has nothing to do with her popularity. This has to do with her power. She sits on committees. That is power. She can unseat McCarthy any time she pleases. That is power. Power makes you relevant. Always. You can be incredibly unpopular and still be relevant if you have power. See: lots of autocrats.
At a certain point, you’re going to have to stop and ask yourself why you’re so butthurt over me calling her irrelevant. And then you’re going to need to process that information in such a way that you’ll be able to deal with whatever the answer happens to be in a healthy way.
I wish you the best of luck on that, but she remains irrelevant.
Repeating it doesn't make what you're saying make sense. "Irrelevant" doesn't mean stupid or wrong or a traitor, it means you have no effect on things. She has a big effect on things.
I’m sorry I offended you by insulting your friend. But I still think she’s irrelevant. If it makes you fee better, I think you’re irrelevant too, so at least the two of you get to share that commonality.
You telling me not to be a troll is ironic considering you could have just made the small leap it would have taken to assume that this is just my opinion of her- and that you could have just ignored it and scrolled past.
But you didn’t.
You wanted to argue. So I obliged. I hope what you learned from this is that you can disagree with people and just….. move on.
It really sounds like you might not know what irrelevant means.
Saying she's irrelevant implies nothing she does matters because it won't have an effect on anyone. At the best, she shifts the Overton window, at worst she finds a way to get legislation through that strips the rights of millions of Americans.
To say she's irrelevant means that everyone should be able to ignore her indefinitely with no consequences, and we're saying that's simply not the case.