If you are a Libertarian and hold liberty as your core value, why do you not believe in universal healthcare? Nothing impacts liberty more than sickness and death.
Just because you ignore the facts and evidence does not mean that they aren’t there. Everyone else but you can see them, apparently. And I really don’t care whether you believe me or not. I only care that others don’t believe you.
And only you are convinced by your arguments. You, and a fictional cartoon named Ned.
Do you think people are going to read 151 comments and think anything besides you are a little obsessive about this topic?
My parents didn’t raise me, they did drugs and drank until they passed out and woke up and did it all over again.
Ned from The Simpsons raised me in half hour increments that have shaped my entire life and given me a life long lust for the lord’s love and a respect for my fellow man and their opinion that apparently you do not.
somebody has made it this far to upvote my comments….
if you hadn’t gambled your health and well-being foolishly by not getting health insurance, you could afford to work through these troubling issues with a trained psychotherapist rather than… this
And, again, you make a personal attack because you have no rational response.
Overall, I rate this a 7/10 troll. 5 base points, plus 1 for sticking with it and another bonus point for that shit about Ned Flanders. That made me laugh so hard, I almost broke character and called you out, but I wanted to see how far you’d take it.
Thanks for the practice. I haven’t had a good one of these since my Reddit days.