If you are a Libertarian and hold liberty as your core value, why do you not believe in universal healthcare? Nothing impacts liberty more than sickness and death.
So, in addition to your evident memory problems, you have sadistic fantasies in which you imagine the people you lose arguments to in “anguish”? Yikes! Too bad about that health insurance you don’t have, as you’d be able to talk about that with a therapist.
Shouldn’t have gambled your health on your ignorance of what insurance is and what the word “gambling” mean… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You told me I was personally attacking you so I figured it must be a big deal to you if you are bringing it up.
But you won’t tell me what I did that you feel was attacking you so I can apologize to you and not repeat the words that are causing you as much anguish.
You told me I was personally attacking you so I figured it must be a big deal to you if you are bringing it up.
I keep mentioning it because you keep doing it. I am not responsible for your actions, so it pretty absurd to blame me for the things you keep doing— especially when you put the responsibility of doing the work to address it on me.
But you won’t tell me what I did that you feel was attacking you so I can apologize to you and not repeat the words
Perhaps you shouldn’t have gambled on personally attacking me if you don’t like the outcome.
that are causing you as much anguish.
You seem to be obsessed with imagining me in “anguish”. Do you often fantasize about strangers in anguish? Do such thoughts give you pleasure? They must because you can’t seem to stop…
You’re expressing your anguish and redefining everything to gambling again.
Once again, I don’t define words, the dictionary does. I simply used the word “gambling” correctly. Blaming me for using a word correctly is irrational.
It’s like our whole conversation distilled into one sentence
And that sentence is: Your “beliefs” are based on ignorance, and you keep attacking everyone who points that out rather than to simply admit that you’re wrong.