Hey all. noob-ish pirate here. Skipping long winded post. I'm struggling to find sources to download/torrent kids cartoons. Some are easy, but I'm looking for paw patrol and it's scarce on 1337. The more modern stuff and the super popular stuff are a little easier though. Not really any information on the Wiki about this stuff.
I see plenty of streaming resources. I guess if it comes down to it I can record it? I don't know the best way to do that, certainly doesn't seem ideal..
I'll update my post to reflect my levels of success :)
Hey hey, great suggestion. I do actually have stremio + torrentio + real debrid set up, works really well! Thing is, I've been getting some errors with Real Debrid on Paramount+ Kids shows. Seems like they're cracking down on those torrents or something? Anyway those I've just been downloading manually instead, but it's made me want to download more stuff just in case the streaming setup becomes less consistent :p
It's more likely that the streaming setup is having the same problem as you - it can't find a stream. It checks a load of torrents at once, but if there's no torrent for what you're looking for, it's not going to find them either.
Well the torrents are there, I just can't access them, gives me some weird screen. And if I manually convert the torrent to a download link through real debrid, it says it's not allowed to do that or something. But torrenting it myself works fine.