This prospect doesnt bother me in the least. I've already been replaced 5 times in my life so far. The soul is a spook. Let my clone smother me in my sleep and deal with the IRS instead.
Makes me wonder how many times I've been replaced. Also makes me wonder if I just died yesterday and today I'm actually a new person. I have no evidence that yesterday happened except for a memory of it, and let's face it, since it was a public holiday, that's a pretty foggy memory
I wonder about that. During the deepest part of sleep does your brain have enough activity to maintain a continuous stream of consciousness? If you go through two sleep cycles in a night does yesterday you die, and you from the first sleep cycle who only dreamed die, and you're a new consciousness in the morning?
yeah, went down this rabbit hole recently: what if I'm the .001% that lives until <max age variable for my genome>? or what if 'me' is an amalgam of all the ones that die, and I get to live all those lives until the variable runs out.
Damn dude. Was each time a death? I think a someone’s following me around and snuffing me out. Mandela Effects keep happening. Also I’m getting elf ears? Reality is weird.
I'm sorry I understand those words not in those orders though, are you saying the soul is an olde timey anti-black racial slur or that it's inherently scary?
Spook is from the german "spuking" which means haunting. Its use in this context comes from the german philosopher Max Stirner who is infamous for the memes where X is declared to be a spook.
Understanding what exactly spooks are is somewhat challenging, and plenty of people get the wrong ubderstanding about what is meany by spooks. But at least in the meme way of using the word, a spook is anything you think is a fairy tale, or nonsense that you don't care about.