That's kinda the point though. Outside of a true vacuum or a literally perfect anechoic chamber, you won't get true silence anywhere. There's always something, even if you can't consciously perceive it.
Getting pure water is easier than true silence, but it's still not something most people will encounter in their life - and basically anywhere else you can get water on Earth will have some level of minerals in it, as such that background flavour is the flavour of water...
And like with sound, everywhere has it's own flavour of water.
I don’t drink it exclusively, but yes, Zero Water uses a filter that reduces the total dissolved solids down to 60ppm. I rent, and my tap water tastes like pennies, so I think it’s probably better to have too few minerals than too many.
I don't think that is reverse osmosis, it's just a filter (which I think is better since we now know about all the microplastics).
I don't know how distilled water affects our cells by introducing low osmotic pressure (dehydration & bowl issues?). My drinking habits include drinking half or a full liter in one go so I would research the matter and also how it affects the heart (or the whole cardiovascular system).
You’re right. It’s not reverse osmosis. I corrected my previous comment. I’m not to sure that distilled is good to drink either, but I haven’t done research on it myself.