So, the school board is bullying him into not doing an anti-bully talk. I think maybe the school board should have been the one getting the speech and not the kids at the school...
All that anti-bullying bullshit is that. Bullshit. They encourage bullying. They claim they don't, but they do. If you're not "normal," you'll get bullied and the school will do very little about it.
Typically they just let the bullies continue until somebody snaps and hits back, at which point the kid that snaps gets punish and the bullies get a stern talking to (maybe. If they don't have the teacher thoroughly gaslight into believing they're angels)
Ah, I see you're familiar with my last 2 years of HS. Finally just got my parents to transfer me to a local vocational school instead of dealing with it, because it was clear the school wasn't gonna do a damn thing.
My kids' experience has been pretty good in the schools they've been in, especially in the high school. I'm not saying there's no bullying, but I've heard plenty of stories from them where they and/or others stepped in right away and put that shit down.
I'm also plenty aware that this is unusual, and am quite thankful for my school district.
Well I don't know about your district, but in mine, we had to take my daughter out of public school and put her in online school because her bullying was so severe that she was having self-harm thoughts and the school did virtually nothing.
It's very much a case by case. I didn't have issues as a kid even though I was a total dweeb but I have coworkers who have done the same as you even though they were in good schools.
That's because out of everything, we're kind of creatures of conformation. Every nail that sticks out gets hammered down. It's a part of our biology at this point, given how tribal in nature we have become. Success came from everyone working together, and when something goes against the status-quo, it's normal for people to shun it. You'll find this in literally every possible 'division' you can create for society. Dyed your hair blue? Some people's instinct will naturally kick in and shun you for it. You don't even have to be gay or anything - just out of the ordinary.
Of course we can do better -- I'm telling you, it will never go away. It will forever be something we have to educate people on, and keep at the forefront of their minds, because we are literally of two minds. We have a prehistoric brain that can control low level impulses, and people have to be taught to override those impulses.