Pretty much the only thing I use my PC for is gaming so it really sucks that I can't just dump them for Linux...
I don't want some games. I don't want to have something I've been hyped about be out of reach for God knows how long just because Linux support is crap as the market share is so low, but man do i hate Microsoft...
Gaming on Linux is really not as bad as all that unless you play a lot of games with invasive anti-cheat; which honestly, even if you never try Linux and stick to windows, I'd recommend avoiding or at least having a separate windows install for. I'm not a fan of having to install a rootkit on my computer that constantly monitors everything I do just to prove to some mega-corp I'm an honest player (especially considering how poorly even those work to stop cheaters).
I'd highly recommend anyone upset with microsoft to at least setup dual boot with one of the popular gaming specific Linux distos and trying it out. Even if you did a few years ago, it has really come a long way in the last few years.
Beside we-know-which games that use a root-kit anti-cheat, which games you think doesn't work on Linux or work terribly or straight out not work on Linux on first-day?
I don't play those and I don't own them on Steam. Out of 600+ games I own on Steam, everything literally run without me touch my terminal once.
Unless you don't think proton is good, then you might be mistaken somewhere. It's straight magic
To be honest I just see people commenting here and there that xyz game didn't work for them and they have to jump through a bunch of hoops for what does work that I just write Linux off for now.
That and I tend to like to check out early access games (cough star citizen cough) so I just dont want to limit myself just to give Mi€ro$oft the finger.
Also, (see early access comment) I'm kind of impatient so even though I'm pretty capable, the last thing I want to do is have to be an IT guy for my PC every time something doesn't work lol windows is pretty good in that respect.
Because of proton it’s not perfect but it’s damn close these days. And that means that linux support is rapidly increasing with linux marketshare. And when all else fails, I keep a windows partition just in case
I love The Dark Mod, a great envolving game at the level of commercial ones, it's 100% free with a great community and works fine in Windows, Linux and Mac. A game for Years with currently more than 170 community made missions, more every few month.