IMO there is no reason to be offended by being misgendered. Unless it’s obviously an attack.
Well as someone from an older generation I'd generally agree with you, a simple mistake to apolgize for, and not to be taken so negatively.
But it does seem that these days that type of logic does not hold sway, as people care very deeply about proper gender identification now, and see it as being disrespected if incorrectly gendered. So I try to always use the right gender, so no accidental disrespect is done.
“Actress” also still exists, but many women in that business prefer “actor” and it is becoming a default.
Yep, I'm aware. They've gone back and forth on that though in Hollywood, not sure where they landed currently on that. The last Academy Awards was still using actress.
The existence of a word doesn’t change the fact that language is fluid.
The fluidity has nothing to do with the existence of a single word or not, but about human nature, and it's error rate/drift, and how all humans can't "stay on the same page" over a long period of time about the rules of a language, so the language morphs over time. Lol, basically 'cancer' for languages.
But we should try, so that we can maximize the ability to communicate with each other.