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cute dogs, cats, and other animals Facelikeapotato

Good dogs delighted to be good actors


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  • Transcription:

    Social media post

    rendeer @sanjunipcro

    Finally some good news from the film industry.

    [A picture of a dog/wolf looking back with the dail hanging down, looking kind of mean]

    Maybe not mind-blowing, but sometimes dogs/wolves in movies need CGI tails if they're supposed to be acting mean bc they're so excited to be doing a good job acting that their tails can't stop wagging.

    • Someone needs to make a bot that can transcribe with optical character recognition to transcribe posts that humans can't reach

      • Maybe yeah, but it's quite hard to get something that consistently works, we used to do it by hand on reddit as well, when we get enough people doing it it's pretty nice :)

      • is there a formal syntax for image transcription that screen readers can read ?

      • Is there an alt text option like in mastodon/calckey? I know that's considered basically compulsory for people posting images on there

        • I had forgotten about that but I think there is but a bot that can transcribe text from ocr would be a great thing for people who don't add it to their images