Good thing there is no war in Ukraine, right? Your "logic" doesn't make any sense.
We know they are intentionally targetting civillians because of all the incidents that happen. Yaknow, for decades actually. The kneecappings, the shooting at protesters, the shooting at medics who provide emergency care. It's not up to debate - it is what they do and have always done.
Also your definition of genocide is shit - since it also covers forced displacement.
Also, there is no aid. What gets in is a fraction of a fraction of what's needed. Who gives a shit that bottles of water, 20000 of them came in, when all that does is at best serve a single day for 20k people out of 2 million? Everything gets searched and often denied. There are countless aid trucks waiting on the other side of the border. Even what US was dropping was a tiny part of the need. Compared to the Berlin airlift, all this is, is showing idiots "look we give aid everything is fine".
What humanitarian corridor too? The one where people get shot at with artillery?
You are either a troll, or a pelican that swallows every propaganda piece someone throws at you.