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TL;DR, Big anxiety when job hunting, advice?

Hey everyone,
I [28F] need some advice on handling anxiety when job hunting.

Almost a week ago I finished school and I'm once again without work. I've been job hunting about 40-50% of my adult life and it has taken a huge toll on my mental health to the point where I'm barely able to apply for jobs anymore. I have gotten a few warnings over the years due to not applying to enough jobs. ( I live in Sweden btw )

I have tried taking breaks.
I have tried waiting for the anxiety to pass.
I have asked so many for advice but it's like they all give the same default answer. If their advice where enough, I would be a pro at job hunting.

I did get an autism diagnosis a few years back and I do feel better about myself, more confident and understanding of how I work so I think this time around will be different, but it's like the old anxiety still hangs around and I don't know how to get rid of it.

Please if you have any advice, I'd love to hear it.


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  • It's not a lot of work, often you just scoop out the poop, similar to how you scoop a litterbox while the pee crumbles and falls to the bottom (you practically use two stacked boxes with holes in the top one), I clean my litterbox once a day and then empties the bottom part every 2-3 days. I sometimes wipe the bottom with baby wipes (great for cleaning). I have two cats.

    My cats didn't really like it but after mixing it in with the sand for weeks I went cold turkey and just replaced the sand with pellets and that went fine, I have a pretty thick layer, around 10cm that they dig around in.

    Wow, that is really not meant to have cars. That sucks.

    woah, that does sound unsettling with everything in white, it's worse than a hospital!
    I've always been a bit confused about that, having emergency stuff in white. But it's still easy to see?
    I have a small fire extinguisher that stands in the hallway.

    Wood is nice in so many ways, it's always unique, durable, and pretty colors. I want as much wood as possible haha

    Wow, all of those walls are so beautiful!, e-ink is really starting to be well developed with clear colors pretty much like a photo, and that could easily be used as a picture frame or accent wall and it won't use electricity at all.

    I agree, my home is my sanctuary.
    I think it's okay we went of topic a bit 😅

    EDIT: I forgot to check the pellets vs clay link and it seems correct. I'd say the pellets are cheaper, sure a bag of pellets costs around 100kr but I need a new one every 3 months or so.
    You would want a litterbox like this for easier cleaning and protip; but an old newspaper in the bottom.

    • I was very close to buy that but got cold feet. And I recently (maybe a year ago) bought a very good litter box because he pee so weird. I think he stands up completely so he peed often outside and after years of cleaning the floor did I give up and found a great one with walls that have like a bag you can lift up when you need to change out all the litter and clean it up. Plus he liked it right away. And right now do I have 32 kg of cat litter (clay) so I need to use that first 😂 But if I go for the gun then I will remember your tip. That comment has now been saved.

      You can see it but it is blending in very well so I don't have to stare at it. I kinda get distracted by things that stickout. I would only let it in into my living room in a dark blue (only because that is my favorite color) if not white 😂

      Here you can see it. And yes I took this while laying in my sofa 😂

      The pros with it being there instead of the hallway is that the toilet and the hallway is the only two rooms it isn't as accessible to it. That wall is the middle of my living room and the door there is to my bedroom. So if I wake up to a fire or if I am cooking and need it then I can just run there in a few steps. My sister was nagging me with not putting it in hallway so I got a white one in my living room :D

      Yes I wish I had more furniture in "naked" wood, not painted but the wallet said no when I moved, like that vitrinskåp, i got it dirty cheep second hand and it works really well. I don't think it will ever go bad. So far have I only changed the handles. But at least my two desks are in darkwood haha

      Plus my kitchen became the light side/space and my living room the dark side. That chair is like the line between dark and light and in front of it is my cats plywood cat tree with gray "pillows". This description sounds a bit edgy but it isn't like that 😂

      Oh yea! There is a car (but I think it is more like proof of concept) that has eink all over it so you can change the color and pattern. But only in the gray color scale.

      I have an ebook that I bought when I went to uni, that one sucks compare to the stuff we have now! I saw an e notebook that you could draw in with colors. Looked amazing! And apparently does it feel like paper!!! How cool is that?! I almost wanted to buy it but reminded myself that I only take notes for/at interviews or when I need to do some simple drawings to get my point accros. I can't say I do any of them often 😂 Usually I use my computer when I take notes. I am much faster at typing.