People usually associate advanced software engineering with gray-bearded experts with vast knowledge of how computers and things like compiler internals work. However, having technical knowledge is just the base requirement to work in the field. In my experience, the greatest minds in the field are ...
In this post, I share 8 principles I believe in:
Less is more
Start with the solution or the ask
Show the facts, with examples
Always quantify
Include links and references
Explain why it matters
Ask feedback from one person
Sleep on it
As engineers and developers, we often focus heavily on technical skills while neglecting the importance of clear, compelling writing. But the reality is, our ability to communicate effectively can have a major impact on our careers.
I would suggest writing blog posts about topics that you’re familiar with. Make sure you write the posts such that also people not too familiar with the material can follow it. Share your posts, and ask for questions and feedback.
I use Astro, because it allows me to write posts in Markdown and publish as a static website, though there are certainly other solutions that allow you to achieve the same thing. I just bundle it up in an Nginx Docker image and host it on If you want you can look at my setup here, though beware it isn’t documented (even the README is already out of date):