President Joe Biden is opening a new line of attack against former President Donald Trump this week, flipping the script on the classic Reagan-era “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” question to remind voters of life during his predecessor’s tenure.
4 years ago was bodies in trailers, man. Stores were rationing toilet paper, nurses were resorting to dressing up in trash bags, and essential workers were rolling the dice on whether their shitty job was going to kill them. Millions of people lost loved ones and there are a couple hundred thousand COVID orphans. Trump was a big part of why the pandemic was as bad as it was. I agree things aren't awesome, but this is an easy question to answer.
Minimizing how bad 2020 was only makes sense if you're completely out of touch with the average American and driven to one repeated conclusion whenever Biden is brought up.
It's like people just memory holed the pandemic and forgot just how fucking bad it was. I won't forget, it literally killed half my family and it's Trump's shitty handling of it that played a big part. The hospitals were so overloaded that my family members couldn't receive the treatment they needed, in large part because of all the MAGAts refusal to follow basic safety protocols that pumped the numbers way higher than they needed to be.
What is this faux populism when poor people were the ones risking their lives for shitty jobs and disproportionately dying?
And yeah, we should expect that pandemics will continue to happen. COVID itself is still mutating and a pandemic kicking off wasn't a surprise. More people living closer together encroaching on nature and traveling more often is the breeding ground for pandemics. Disease safety is not just an economic issue, but a social justice issue. Obama set up a monitoring organization after Ebola and Bird Flu showed worrisome spread but were thankfully contained. SARS was just one of the diseases they were tracking. Trump dismantled it because conservatives are incapable of good governance, and that has deadly consequences for the people at the bottom of the ladder.
And it also fucks up the economy if that's literally the only thing you think matters.
It was on Reddit telling "essential workers" to quit if they could. To never keep doing something if people start calling an entire group of workers "heroes". They're absolving themselves of taking care of you. The plaque to your memory will be very pretty.
And no, you don't go through day to day planning on another pandemic. Unless you're a prepper or FEMA. To bring it up here as the basis of an economic question is incredibly bad faith. The fact is stuff was more affordable when Trump was president. Did that have anything to do with Trump? No. Do most Americans understand that? No. So should Biden campaign on an economic improvement most people are only starting to to see? Lol no way. He should be telling people he's in the trenches with them. He should be breaking apart Kroger, not Apple.
AKA, the financial brain behind Dreamworks and the chair of Disney during some pretty solid years. He’s a money guy.
There are 8 people on that campaign board, and he ain’t there to figure out messages, districts, or any of that. He’s there for fundraising.
Quibi wasn’t famous because it was a silly idea, it was famous because it was a silly idea that Katzenberg raised an ungodly amount of capital for … almost $2 billion. Homie ain’t the ideas guy. Quibi very much confirmed that he’s no Spielberg or Geffen (the creative cofounders for Dreamworks.) But fuck if he isn’t one of the best fundraisers in the business.
Biden’s campaign has had double Trump’s cash on hand.
It's like you read my comment, ignored what it said, and repeated it back..
Biden’s campaign has had double Trump’s cash on hand.
And it cost Biden twice per vote what it cost trump in 2016... Biden's the first president in the history of the US to spend 1 billion on a campaign, and he was 30k close to losing.
And Biden's polling is worse now
Either we need a lot more money, or we can stop running geriatric candidates no one wants to be president
I guess my main point is that his campaign board has a pile of people. It looks like they’re actually up to a dozen or so. This guy is not the manager, deputy manager, strategist, etc. He’s a “co-chair,” which is the title given to everyone who isn’t driving the campaign. The campaign is being driven by former Biden, Obama, and Warnock folks.
You’re alluding to “Quibi bad = Biden campaign bad,” but that’s kind of a silly argument.
No man no one even knows what the fuck Quibi is. Hell I'm just assuming it's a real thing, I'm taking your word for it because I don't care enough to look it up. The tent pole of your argument here is based on something no one has ever heard of.