President Joe Biden is opening a new line of attack against former President Donald Trump this week, flipping the script on the classic Reagan-era “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” question to remind voters of life during his predecessor’s tenure.
So glad more people are catching on to this person. I would still call this a negative Biden article though. OP might just be trying to be a little more subtle about the Biden hate since people caught on and call them out in every post.
I'm not really sure this line of attack is going to be as persuasive as Biden thinks it is.
While much of the problems stem from Trump-era policies, some of it's not. But that's besides the point. Lets just keep it simple and blame trump for everything.
Biden taking over means somebody is at the reigns that isn't trying to fuck every one over... but that doesn't mean we're "better off" today. Savings are drained, debt is piling up. We can't afford food. can't afford housing. can't afford to shit.
I think his messaging on the issue is just evidence of how out of touch he is with normal people. We're not better. We're barely holding on... and we've barely been holding on since he's been in office. and people are starting to fall into the cracks.
ask a rando in the grocery store check out lane if they feel they're better off compared to 4 years ago.
The virus only started spreading in 2020. (it was detected in Wuhan in november 2019. and didn't get the first person-to-person until jan 30'th.). the economic impacts didn't really start being felt until the lockdowns were hitting in force... so most people were actually better off four years ago than they were today.
Most people haven't even come close to recovering from the covid bullshit. Everything is just making it worse. if he was "in touch" with normal americans, he'd know that.
Four years ago New York City had to resort to refrigerated trucks to hold dead people because their morgues were full.
The "4 years ago" line usually works regardless of circumstances because people don't really remember what 4 years ago was like and they know stuff happening now that they're not happy about. So yeah, asking a rando without context probably does get the answer you expect, but that's exactly why Biden's messaging on this is reminding people what four years ago was actually like.
NYC was an early hotspot, remember. Nationally, the pandemic was still just getting started. I'm not trying to minimize the loss and just how down right fucked the pandemic was.
I am trying to point out that was only just starting, and most americans were still okay at that point. a month or two later? we were all feeling it.
Sure, but the "four years ago" isn't really about a specific day 4 years ago, it's about the state of your life heading into the election. This isn't going to be an ineffective messaging line for the next month and then switch over to being effective because enough days passed to move the reference point.
I had to look at the timeline on Wikipedia to even remember which month things really hit in different locations. By March 21, California was under a stay-at-home order, Florida was looking for alternatives to sending the sick home, and Ohio had shut down daycares and elderly care centers. It was kicking off. Also happy anniversary to Trump promoting Hydroxychloroquine.
Other notable events, 4 years plus 3 days ago Trump told Bob Woodward he was downplaying the seriousness of the virus because he didn't want to create a panic. Bob Woodward then sat on that information for six months so he could put it in his book and make more money.
The pandemic lasted from early 2020 with a public health emergency lasting through into 2023. COVID itself has become a global endemic; similar to the flu.
The economic effects, the death toll. The social unrest. It was all only ramping up.
People stopped dying. That’s about the only way the situation has improved. But dead people are still dead and they’re not going to be coming back. Everything else has continued to degrade.
So yes. I am much worse off now than 4 years ago. Or any other time in 2020.