Maybe they have hair loss and like the way they look with a beard. Everything doesn't have to mean something else. It's not your style obviously, but no need to be judgemental.
You see, the beard not only hides part of my face (which doesn’t hurt), it also provides a visual contrast that without hair on my head is sorely missing. Completely shaven looks like a weird human bowling ball, all smooth and featureless.
I appreciate that you're able to read an opinion and simply provide your own, without being personally offended and feeling a need to assert your perceived moral righteousness.
I wish you the best of luck in finding a bearded bald dude that you like.
I just tend to associate this style with right-wingers at least in my area, so I distance myself a bit.
Personally I think the long beard look is unkempt and a bit of a fad and a removed to deal with from a functional standpoint; meanwhile it looks like they're about to fly to Afghanistan to join the Taliban. To each their own though.