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Railison ELI5 the difference between the white badged Teams and the dark badged Teams
9 0 Replypiracysails I believe the white one is for personal use.
The (new) dark is the newest teams for organizations.
The (classic) dark is the old teams for organizations.
9 0 Replyblindsight Not sure if it's just my device, but I can't drag & drop files into the new Teams for organizations, so I'm still using classic for organizations.
It's ridiculous, and now I need to click through saying "no" to the new version every time I start it.
3 0 ReplyTemporalSoup OP I hate that I know this, but new Teams is based on WebView2 (Microsoft's version of electron), and dragging and dropping files is semi-broken for ALL WebView2 apps 🙃
(The only other WV2 app I know of is New Outlook)
6 0 Replyfilcuk Bunch of features we're broken for me too, such as group chat tab page embed, but they seem to be fixing them slowly.
3 0 Reply