Instead of just electrifying vehicles, cities should be investing in alternative methods of transportation. This article is by the Scientific Foresight Unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), a EU's own think tank.
When anti-lock braking systems (ABS) were first introduced in premium cars, accidents increased initially for that sector owing to driver over-confidence. The same effect is again being seen with modern driving assist systems. Since large vehicles are especially safe for their occupants at low speeds, this has a pernicious effect on driver attention, consequently increasing casualty figures for other road users. Every year there are fewer victims of car accidents – but not among pedestrians, cyclists and other light vehicle users.
My driving instructor years ago: "The plain fact of the matter is if you replaced airbags with spring-loaded spikes that shoot out of the steering column, the streets would be far safer."
And here I thought AEB was about protecting pedestrians and avoiding collisions, instead of being knocked out in a fight caused by such an event…
Glad that got cleared out…
There's actually a whole bunch of laws regarding airbag inflators, a lot of which is because of their potential to be damaging to the environment and hazardous because of chemicals, but some of it's because those are basically explosives or at least they used to be. So in a lot of places scrap yards take those out first thing because people aren't allowed to buy them.
I guess that's my meandering way of saying that air bomb is pretty much on point